Reflections on a Marriage - 7 years in...
Marriage and the Sabbath - two things that God instituted right at Creation. They are both all about love relationships; with each other and with our Creator. Curiously enough they are both things that are becoming less and less important to the world. Practically everyone lives together before getting married now. Marty and I did for a year before we even thought about marriage. But that's the past. We lived, we learned, we changed. And we got married. I was 43 years old and it is my first marriage. He was 46 years old and this is his third time at bat. Do you know how hard it is to get married for the first time after the age of 40? After living on my own for 25 years? Not reporting to anyone or sharing my income and space and possessions? For heaven's sake, I hadn't even thought about marriage since I was in my late teens. In the interest of full disclosure I should probably mention that when he moved in with me he wasn't even legally divorced from...