Chapter 5 - Should You be Living Indoors?

Summers are hot here. Have I mentioned that? Hot. I'm not a big fan of the heat. My husband and I are from Connecticut and he's not a fan of the extreme cold and that's why we moved south. I would probably have been happier in New Hampshire. Except for the snow. Maybe I just should have bought a motor home instead of a mobile home, that way I could just follow 70 degree weather year round or something. I don't know. But summers here are hot. Trailers are ovens in the summer without air conditioning. They're metal boxes. Most of the trailers I clean out or paint don't have the power on, so I'm pretty much out of luck. In the summer - and when I say summer I mean any time between March and October - I try to start my days at first light and finish before noon if I can make it that long. If the water is still on, sometimes I just stick my whole head in the shower in order to... you know... not die. In the winter, I've found, things don't smell as bad....