Diving in!

I penned the last of Cast Down; A New England Haunting the other night and sent the manuscript off to my Book Doctor.  The cover design is done and ready to go.  Once the Doc is done it's just a matter of approving the changes and the book will be ready to hit the bookshelves.  :-)

I'm more excited about this project than any other because of the personal significance it has for me.  The setting of the book is the fictionalized version of the town I grew up in, and there are many old faces, places and friends that have found their way into it.  Even the strange family next door who isolated themselves from the world and buried old cars in their back yard were an inspiration from my past.

As I wrote the scenes where the main character returns to her childhood home she'd inherited and starts to clear out a staggering collection of old dolls from the residence I was informed that my own childhood home would soon be going up for sale.  I was told that my estranged parents' home was being cleared out and everything sold at an estate sale.  Although I haven't seen the house or the contents in over 25 years I learned that there was a staggering collection of dolls to be sold that were not there when I was last in the house.  Coincidence?  I doubt it.

I hope that readers will enjoy the frightening tale that was born out of childhood terror and inspiration.  While I wait for the edits to come back I'm starting on another project because I have many on the back burners.  There's a companion novel to A New England Haunting called Masked.  Masked delves into the life of one of the characters in the original story, going back to her childhood when she thought she was seeing ghosts.  Those ghosts turned out to be demons masquerading as human spirits and later in her life as a paranormal investigator she learns the truth, but not until after suffering the devastating consequences.

Another project I've got my fingers into involves a cult who follow what they believe to be the flesh incarnation of the Archangel, Raphael.  This project brings me back to my writing roots in murder mystery.  This novel will depart from the detective series I've already got four books into, and will start a new series that I hope to take even further with some characters I'm sure will be favorites.

The sun is shining outside and my mutts are ready for a stretch!

My Mutt Publications


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